Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday, July 3, 2011

First Post!

Okay, all joking aside--ladies, gentlemen, and others, welcome to my little corner of teh Intarwebz.
Since Twitter is presently too limited, LiveJournal too private, and Facebook too personal, I'm hoping to make this into my online home for my ramblings about various subjects near and dear to my heart (you know, Life, the Universe, Everything).
Mostly I'll be talking about things I'm involved in, the people I know and meet, and some of the things I'm interested in. We'll be looking at my work toward finishing school and starting my career, jobs, hobbies, and probably the various conventions I'll be attending. (And a rather large Plan set to commence early next summer, but that's another story.)
If all that hasn't scared you away yet, hope you enjoy.
More to come